Filigran provides cyber threat intelligence, knowledge subsystems and crisis response solutions to thousands of cybersecurity and crisis management teams across the world.
Store, organize, visualize and share knowledge on cyber threats
Plan, execute and conduct crisis management exercises
Handle, manage and respond to crisis across multiple teams and contexts.
Filigran provides professional and enterprise-ready solutions for all the product portfolio to help organizations in the deployment, the maintenance and the usage of open source platforms.
Professional technical support of all products which includes custom integration workshops and platforms health checks
Fully managed cloud private instances for all products available on the main cloud providers (AWS, GCP, Azure, OVHCloud)
Basic and advanced training sessions on all available products for analysts, planners, developers and administrators
Open Cyber Threat Intelligence Platform
OpenCTI is an open source platform allowing organizations to manage their cyber threat intelligence knowledge and observables.
The whole platform relies on a knowledge hypergraph allowing the usage of hyper-entities and hyper-relationships including nested relationships.
From operational to strategic level, all information are linked through a unifed and consistent data model based on the STIX2 standards.
Every relationships between entities have time-based and space-based attributes and must by sourced by a report with a specific confidence level.
The whole dataset could be explored with analytics and correlation engines including many visualization plugins, MapReduce and Pregel computations.
The database engine performs logical inference through deductive reasoning, in order to derive implicit facts and associations in real-time.
Full control of data access management using groups with permissions based on granular markings on both entities and relationships.
Open Crisis Exercises Platform
OpenEx is an open source platform allowing organizations to plan, schedule and conduct crisis exercises.
The events of the exercise scenario are automatically sent by the platform at the scheduled time.
The scenario can be played in accelerated speed before exercise to check its sequencing and rhythm.
Checks on the players' means of communication are automatic and can be launched at any time..
Players can be grouped by audience and receive only the events especially created for them.
The available communication vectors are modular: SMS, emails, phone calls etc. More should be developed.
Real-time indicators and statistics allow exercise control team to constantly adjust the relevance of the scenario.